

Returning home with baby after childbirth: 10 tips to help you

It can be hard to know what to do when you're a new mom. You come home from the hospital with a new baby, and everything is new, from breastfeeding to lack of sleep to diapers.

Here are ten tips to help you get through those first weeks and months.

Turn off your phone and enjoy your baby

Motherhood is a wonderful but also exhausting time.

During your pregnancy, you probably had lots of visits and phone calls from friends and family wanting to see how baby was doing.

But After giving birth, now that you have come home with baby, you will need all your strength to take care of your newborn.

Then it's time to unplug the phone and enjoy your new role as a mom. Sure, people will always be curious to know how baby is doing, but now you have the opportunity to spend time alone with him and really appreciate this wonderful little being.

So cuddle baby, give him kisses and enjoy it while you can because these moments are precious. Cuddling baby is a great way to convey your love and affection.

Kisses and hugs can help baby feel safe and loved. They can also foster the bond between you and your child.

After childbirth take care of yourself and your body

After welcoming your little one, it is important to take care of yourself and your body. This can be a difficult task, especially if you have to juggle the demands of a newborn and other young children.

However, there are simple actions that will help you stay healthy and feel your best.

First, remember to eat healthy meals and drink plenty of water. It's also important to get moderate exercise every day, even if it's just a walk around the block.

Finally, make sure you get enough rest. It may not be easy to find time for yourself, but taking care of your own needs is essential for your physical and mental health. By taking care of yourself, you will be better able to take care of your new baby.

Consult a midwife after childbirth

For new moms, it's important to take care of your body after giving birth. Although you may be looking forward to resting and enjoying your new family, it is important to visit a midwife regularly.

The midwife can help you monitor your health and well-being, and she will also be able to provide advice on breastfeeding, nutrition and sleep.

By taking care of your body and following the advice of your midwife, you can ensure that you and your baby will be healthy.

Take a month off after giving birth

It is important to take time to rest and recover after childbirth. During this period, it is normal to feel tired and emotional. Take it easy and give yourself permission to relax. Sleeping when your baby sleeps is a good way to make sure you get enough rest.

If you are breastfeeding, you will also need to drink plenty and eat a healthy diet.

Ask family and friends for help when you need it, and don't be afraid to seek professional help if you're having trouble.

After about a month, you should be able to start doing activities with your baby outside the home. This will help you socialize and get some fresh air.

Recovery after childbirth is different for everyone, but taking time for yourself is essential for your health and that of the baby. And it is also a good opportunity for the father to bond with his new child.

Ask those around you for help

After childbirth, it is normal to feel a need for help. You're recovering from childbirth, adjusting to life with a new baby, and you may even have to deal with some postpartum emotions. It's important to ask for help when you need it and not try to do everything yourself.

If you have friends or family nearby, they can probably help you. Here are some examples of how they can help you:

  • Hold the baby while you shower or eat a meal.
  • Do the laundry or clean the house
  • Shopping for you
  • Bring food or meals
  • Help you with older children.

They can also provide you with emotional support during this difficult time.

Of course, you don't have to accept help for everything, and you can always say no if you're not comfortable. But it's important to at least ask for help when you need it and not try to do everything alone. After all, raising a baby is a lot of work and it's normal to need a little help.

If you don't have family or close friends nearby, other resources are available to help you. There are many online support groups for new mothers where you can connect with other moms who understand what you're going through.

Also, your midwife can give you information about local resources that can help you after your baby is born.

Stock up

After having a baby, it's natural to want to do whatever you can to provide for your new child.

Therefore, it is important to stock up on supplies. These include diapers, wipes, bottles, formula or breast milk, bibs and clothing. Of course, you might not need all of these things depending on whether you're breastfeeding or using formula, but it's always best to be prepared.

And while there's no shortage of advice on what you should or shouldn't buy for your baby, it's important to remember that every family is different and ultimately you should do what's best for you. and your budget.

It's also a good idea to have some emergency supplies. For example, if you are out of formula, you can always use powdered milk. If you are out of diapers, you can always use cloth diapers.

Also, it is important to have a well-stocked medicine cabinet. It should contain the necessary medicines to relieve the pain, as well as dressings and ointments for cuts and scrapes.

Preparing yourself will make going home with a new baby easier.

Prepare baby for nursery

Making the decision to return to work after having a baby is a difficult decision. For many parents, this means giving custody of their child to someone else.

If you're anxious about dropping your baby off at daycare, there are several things you can do to prepare yourself and your child.

First, take the time to tour the facility and meet the staff. This will help you feel more comfortable about leaving your child in daycare.

Next, be sure to pack everything your child will need for the day, including snacks, diapers and a change of clothes.

Finally, also plan to spend some time away from your baby before their first day at nursery, whether that's going out for a few hours or spending a night out. This will help you get used to being separated.

By following these tips, you can make the transition back to work easier for both you and your baby.

Do not listen to the advice of gossips

After a baby is born, it's common to feel like you're under a microscope.

Suddenly everyone has an opinion on how you should take care of your child. And while it's important to get advice from experienced parents, you also need to be careful who you listen to.

There are plenty of well-meaning people who will try to tell you what's best for your baby, but there are also plenty of people who just like to gossip and spread rumours.

When you receive advice, make sure it comes from a reputable source. And if you have any doubts, remember that you are your child's expert. You know it better than anyone, so trust your instincts and do what feels right for you and your family.

Prepare for your return to work after your maternity leave

Coming back from maternity leave can be both exciting and daunting. It's time to reconnect with your colleagues, catch up and start establishing a new routine. To make the transition as smooth as possible, it's important to start planning before the end of your leave. Here are some things to keep in mind to anticipate your return to work:

  • Talk to your manager about your return date and what to expect. This will help you feel more prepared and avoid any surprises.
  • If possible, try to organize a gradual return to work. It can help you ease your way back into the world of work and not feel overwhelmed.
  • Get organized and plan your childcare. Whether you hire a nanny or rely on family and friends, you need to have a solid plan before returning to work.

By following these tips, you can ensure that the transition back to work after maternity leave is smooth and stress-free.

Contact an association for young parents

After having a baby, do not hesitate to contact an association of young parents. These organizations can provide valuable support and resources to new parents. Many offer advice on breastfeeding, sleep training, and other important topics.

They can also connect you with other families in your community who are going through the same experience. Whether you're struggling to adjust to parenthood or just looking for advice, a young parents association can be a great resource.

Do not hesitate to contact her if you feel lost after becoming a parent.


Coming home with a baby after childbirth can be both exciting and challenging. These 10 tips will help you get through the first few weeks and months. Remember to take care of yourself, get as much rest as possible, and ask those around you for help. Congratulations on your new child!

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